Ruben Morris
Ruben was diagnosed with Leber's Congenital Amourosis at the age of 7 months.
Ruben Kenneth Graham Morris born on the 22nd November 2007 weighing 6lb 12 oz at the Queen Elizabeth womens Hospital in Birmingham UK.
Ruben has no useful vision and no signs of any light perception as yet. Ruben has been registered blind.

Ruben is a very happy and content little boywhom is full of smiles and laughter, a strongwilled and a very determined, clever little character.
Much loved and adored by his family, older Brother Theo and many friends.
Fund Raiser
We're currently raising funds for Ruben via GoFundMe. Please click the link below to donate. Thanks.
Ruben in the News
Blind boy learns to 'see' with technique used by BATS: Ruben, 8, clicks his tongue, taps his cane and listens for the echo from nearby objects.
Click here for the full article